Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Today was a big day in the Self house.....We visited Santa! Since Jalen had a half day I figured a weekday would better than a weekend. After decorating the wagon with garland, ribbons and a sign that said "We Love Santa." We headed over to Superstition Springs Mall in Mesa. The Santa there is so real looking, beard and all!
The kids were very patient for the hour and 45 minutes we waited in line. Luckily we ran in to Jalen's friend Isaiah and his mom Heather. Visiting with them made our wait seem a little faster. By the time we approach the front of the line Jalen's hair looked like he had just crawled out of bed....Thank you Isaiah for letting Jalen borrow your Santa hat for our picture.
Once on Santa's lap Jalen told him he wanted a dirt bike, BB gun and any Xbox 360 games. Olivia told him she wanted a dirt bike, a swing set and a BB gun too. Liam was just following Santa's every move and closely examining the beard. He did not cry or act scared at all. After they told Santa all the gifts they had on their lists he handed them each a book and we headed HOME.....

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love your wagon idea too - you are such an adorable mom! Love ya!
